A well-maintained GIS (Geographic Information System) can break down information silos and promote better business decisions across an organization. Transitioning from existing spatial data such as paper maps, CAD-based drawings, or older software solutions can dramatically increase productivity, efficiency, and overall business intelligence.

Our GIS modernization services move utilities toward a fully capable GIS solution with the latest software offerings that match long-term goals and current system requirements:

  • Legacy Technology Conversion
  • Utility Network ArcGIS Server Extension
  • GPS Inventory Consultation

Legacy Technology Conversion

Our team supports project-based upgrades from legacy spatial information assets into a GIS, including data migration into and out of the following software platforms:

  • ArcGIS (Esri)
  • AutoCAD
  • MapInfo
  • Microstation
  • Paper, Mylar and Linen (into Digital Only)

Third-party Software:

  • ArcFM (Schneider)
  • MapWise (NISC)
  • WindMilMap (Milsoft)
  • TerraSpatial (into GIS Only)
  • Futura GIS
  • Beehive

Utility Network

Esri’s new Utility Network data model is positioned to become the industry standard data model to represent real-world system connectivity. The Utility Network outlines a format by which the GIS can interpret an asset’s influence on the system not only separately in an electric, water, gas, or communications utility, but also in all of these combined.

Our team supports new GIS builds using the Utility Network and migrations from existing GIS solutions.

GPS Inventory Consultation

One of the first steps in GIS modernization is a complete system-wide GPS inventory of capital assets. When a detailed and accurate assessment is completed, the GIS often becomes the system of record that supports both operations and business decisions. Finding a reputable and qualified vendor can be difficult. Our team offers:

  • RFP creation and response management
  • Vendor selection meetings
  • Project management
  • Data processing and integration

Our Modernization Experts

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