Point-to-multipoint (PMP or PtMP) radio systems are versatile last-mile transport solutions that provide bandwidth from a master location that is shared among several remote radio sites. When properly designed, they provide reliable data communications for a wide range of smart grid field area network (FAN) needs, such as SCADA, distribution automation (DA), distributed energy resources (DER), asset management, and AMI.

Private LTE systems leverage the technologies and protocols associated with cellular systems and bring them internally to the utility. Private LTE allows for creating coverage where the existing cellular may not exist or where critical communications are needed and improve mobile workforce management.

Our team supports the evaluation, design, procurement, deployment, and testing phases of the project. We can help educate your team on the capabilities, architectures, costs, and functionality trade-offs between different types of PMP FAN networks, Private LTE systems, and the leading wireless communication vendors so you can make the most informed decision.

Unlicensed Spectrum

902-928 MHz ISM Band, 2.4 GHz Band, 3.65 GHz Band – Quasi-licensed, and 5.8 GHz Band

Licensed Spectrum

Part 22, Part 90 and Part 101 spectrum at 150, 450, and 900 MHz, 217 and  219 MHz AMTS, 218 MHz IVDS, 220-221 MHz, Upper 700 MHz A Block (old TV guard band), 900 MHz narrow PCS bands

Our Field Area Network Experts

Tom Asp

Consultant in Utility Automation and Communications

Eric Wirth

Manager of SCADA & Communications

Jim Weikert

Vice President of Utility
Automation & Communications

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