PSE has a long and robust history of providing our clients with services related to resource planning and Demand-Side Management (DSM). Our experience covers traditional resource planning to innovative power supply arrangements and various other customer engagement and integration services. Learn more about PSE’s services in the following areas:
- Demand-Side Management – We help our clients in all aspects of DSM programs from business cases and planning to implementation, and from evaluating impacts to conducting participant surveys.
- Purchase Power Agreements – In order to support resource diversification and/or to achieve cost reductions, PSE can help evaluate and procure power supply resources to serve your electricity needs.
- Integrated Resource Planning – An effective IRP considers goals of minimizing environmental impacts, maintaining or achieving resource diversity, keeping rates as low as possible, and minimizing risks.
- Power Supply Portfolio Analysis – Evaluating your desired or evolving resource mix provides an opportunity to see how well the resource mix provides for the overall system and customer needs.
- RTO Integration – PSE can evaluate the viability and develop an integration plan to pursue, what could be considerable cost savings that can result from integrating transmission facilities into a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO).