Market Adoption Forecasting and Impacts

As the electrification of the economy continues, we find that electric utilities are increasingly finding value in forecasting adoption rates for various type of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) like wind, solar, and battery energy storage. In addition, new technology and market developments in areas such as electric vehicles are raising strategic, financial, and operational questions.

PSE conducts forecasts of market adoption for these types of consumer-driven market transformations. Examples of our experience in this area include:

  • Development of customizable electric vehicle adoption, energy consumption, and peak demand forecast
  • Forecast of residential solar installation, capacity, and energy
  • Impact of solar installation forecast on power supply cost using production cost modeling
  • Rate impact of distributed generation adoption on wholesale and retail prices and sensitivity to alternative rate designs
  • Market survey concerning consumer preferences and purchase intentions for solar and electric vehicles

Our Market Adoption Forecasting and Impacts Experts

Richard J. Macke

Vice President Economics, Rates & Business Planning

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