Mr. Bratrud earned a BA degree in Economics from the University of Minnesota Duluth. He performs financial analyses to determine revenue requirements, uses hourly load data to prepare cost of […]
Mr. Wirth has more than 15 years of communications engineering experience and specializes in evaluating broadband telecommunications and designing broadband networks for utility and institution uses. Mr. Wirth also has […]
Mr. Callies has over 35 years of experience in the utility industry, working predominantly with rural electric cooperatives and municipal electric utilities. Overall, Mr. Callies provides extensive support in the […]
Mrs. Levesque has over 20 years of experience in finance and is responsible for all financial and operational functions of PSE. Mrs. Levesque also serves as a member of PSE’s […]
Mr. Dunbar earned AAS degrees in Electrical Engineering / Instrumentation and Controls and an AAB degree in Business Management from Washington State Community College at Marietta, OH. He is also pursuing […]
Mr. Koegel earned a BS degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, Minnesota. He has over 18 years of power utility experience, including generator interconnection studies, […]
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