Construction Work Plans

Construction work plans or short-term capital planning studies are used to identify system improvement projects. This is done in conjunction with construction budgets over a period of one to four years. Our team creates a strategy that focuses on improving customer service and maximizing benefits in electric plant investments, automation, and other efficiency tools. We can address additional issues that impact system plans, such as alternate protection schemes, contingency planning, distribution automation, load management, distributed energy resources, and other technologies.

Our planning approach delivers a number of valuable benefits, including:

  • An external objective look at the power delivery system
  • Refinement of planning criteria to align with today’s expectations for reliability and cost effectiveness, while also providing guidelines for operational practices
  • Consideration of non-traditional solutions and available technologies to address system needs
  • Recommendations for leveraging systems, including automation, SCADA, AMR, AMI, GIS, OMS, CIS
  • Prioritization of projects that go beyond substations, poles, and wires
  • Improved project justification

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